Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner on Monday night


Greetings, people.

It’s been a tough Monday. However, isn’t it always? By the time I got home, I had no strength to do anything. And of course, the second I opened the fridge I realized that I have nothing to eat. Oh yeah, nothing to re-heat and nothing easy to cook together. After taking a long glance (and yes, the glance CAN be long), I realized that I have potatoes, eggs, and that was pretty much it.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Breakfast for dinner on Monday night!

Well, after making my magic concoction, this is what I came up with:

Now, keep in mind, this it is not the most fabulous dinner on the planet. However, when you have only potatoes, eggs and such left in the house, this makes quite a delicious feast for a girl like me :)

This is how I made it:
Potatoes (the size of the dish is up to you)
2 eggs (or more, it is up to you)
Grapeseed oil
Salt, pepper

Clean the potatoes. Cut the potatoes in circles (a little less than half an inch) and then cut those circles into fries. When the pan is hot, add some grapeseed oil, and start cooking those potatoes! Don’t let the potatoes cook too long without turning them. Always try your food! That’s my tip of the day for you :)
After the potatoes are cooked 90 – 95%, transfer them to already sprayed with grapeseed oil dish, add your eggs on top, salt, pepper and bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes. To make sure you don’t have any egg surprises on top, I recommend you broil the dish for 5 more minutes.

I also had leftover parsley and 3 small tomatoes, so that’s how they ended up there as well. Again, I am sure anything would work.

Enjoy and have a fabulous week!


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