Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Favorite Side Dish for Thanksgiving - It's Cranberry Madness


Before it is too late, I wanted to post my favorite Thanksgiving dish of all time - cranberry dish. Every time I make it for Thanksgiving, I ask myself: "Why don't I make it more often?" :) It always disappears first and everyone always asks for extra.
Now, I know everyone will be busy cooking and baking, but what else is new on Thanksgiving, right? This dish takes minutes, if you have food processor. I have a little one and it make my life so much easier.

Here are the ingredients:
1 pkg of cranberries
1-2 oranges
3/4 - 1 cup of sugar

That's it! Remove the skin from the oranges with the knife and make sure no white stuff is left on the orange. Cut the orange in pieces around 1 inch or so. Should you have extra orange left on the removed skin, just squeeze it into the cup, so you won't waste the precious juice.
When chopping the cranberries, mix them up with the orange pieces, so it will be mixed well. Once mixed, add sugar and let is absorb. I suggest you prepare it a day before or early on Thanksgiving day, so you don't have to worry about another dish.
If you are cautious about sugar (many of us are nowadays), add  1/2 - 3/4 cup of sugar, let it sit and try it. If it is sweet enough for you, stop. If you need extra, add a little more. The tip of the day - try what you are making. It will prevent many mistakes in the future! :)

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. I made this dish for Thanksgiving! It was gobbled up so fast it didn’t survive long enough to make it on to the table for next days feast of leftovers. Yes, it was that good!

    Who knew simple could be delicious?

  2. Thank you! It is the easiest dish to make for Thanksgiving and it always disappears first. I am so happy you liked it! Enjoy.


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