Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gluten Free Butternut Squash and Lentil Salad


OK, this is one of the salads that I LOVE and I hope you will too. When I make it, I know that I will make it at least 3 more times that same week. It is THAT good. I found this recipe on BBC Good Food and had to share it with you. Of course I changed couple of things and made it Gluten Free! Enjoy!!

Here is the recipe -- for 2 people. If you are making it for yourself, the leftovers will be great for lunch!

Salad greens (I use about half of the usual container per dish. However, it really depends on you)
1/2 of the butternut squash, chopped into small cubes
3/4 - 1 cup of french or green lentils
1 tsp of sesame seeds
1 tbsp of fresh dill, chopped
1/4 cup of grapeseed oil
salt, pepper

Dressing (again, for 2 people):
10 tbsp of olive oil
6 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp of tamari
2 garlic clove, finaly chopped
2 tsp of honey

Cut the butternut sqush into small cubes, combine it with grapeseed oil, sprinkle some salt and pepper, place on the tray and bake it for 30 min at 450 degrees. After about 15 minutes, shake the tray or flip butternut squash, so all sides will be perfectly cooked. While your butternut squash is cooking, you will cook your lentils. I always make more because I add extra lentils in my salad. For 1 cup of lentils, add 3 cups of water. Heat the pan to medium high heat. Once the water with lentils starts boiling, lower the heat to simmer, cover, and cook for 25 minutes. Your lentils should be ready at the same time as your butternut squash.
While both of the main ingredients are cooking, place the greens into the dish and make your dressing. This dressing is so yummy that I highly recommend making some extra and just storing it in the fridge. Just remember, that if you are making the salad just for yourself, don't forget to cut the dressing in half.

When your butternut squash is ready, place some on your greens, add your lentils, sprikle the sesame seeds, add fresh dill, and mix everything with your dressing. The recipe sounds complicated, but it is very simple. Just stay organized, it should not take more than 30 minutes. You will prepare everything else while your butternut squash and lentils are cooking.



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